ふぁん くらぶ
The Fun Club is a department under the direct management of the vice-president that does not seek profit or efficiency, however it functions flexibly and freely based on fun (enjoyment) and performs sensitive and creative activities.
行動指針 / Guidelines of Conduct
- 社員が前向きな気持ちで日々を過ごせること。/ Employees should be able to spend their days in a positive frame of mind.
- 社員が自分で健康管理できる日々を過ごせること。/ Employees should be able to manage their own health on a day-to-day basis.
- 社員が個々の違いを認識し互いに尊重できること。/ Employees should be able to recognise individual differences and respect each other.
- TKの魅力が広く一般に認知されること。/ The attractiveness of TK should be widely recognised by the public.
- TKが21世紀に求められる企業となること。/ TK should be a sought-after company in the 21st century.
活動例 / Examples of activities
- 副社長による個別相談での問題点の聞き取りと改善 / Listening and improving problems by the individual interview with the Vice-President
- 外国人社員に対する病院での通訳の派遣依頼 / Requests to be dispatched interpreters to foreign employees at hospitals
- 全国企業対抗ウォークイベントへの参加(上位成績) / Participation in the corporate walk event (high rank)
- テニス体験教室 / Tennis experience class
- スプーン一杯の酢や油を使わない簡単クッキング法などの食生活アドバイス / Dietary advice, such as a spoonful of vinegar and simple zero oil cooking methods
- セミフォーマルなドレスコードによるパーティーの開催 / Holding parties with a semi-formal dress code
- ロゴマークの作成 / Making of the logotype of TK
- 印象的なHPの作成 / Making an impressive website of TK
- SNSを使用した活動例の発信 / Sending examples of activities via the social media
- 21世紀型企業の在り方の模索 / Searching for the state of the 21st century company
TKコンシェルジュの設置 / Establishment of TK concierge
- 社員の皆さんの抱える悩み、問題、意見などを吸い上げる窓口となるコンシェルジュを設けました。 / We have established a “TK concierge” to serve as a listening post for employee’s concerns, issues, and opinions.
TK concierge:Yamamoto
TK Instagramer:Ryotaro